Tree Take Downs 10-2013
Dying hemlock at “M” building in CFA Apple tree at 125 Mt Vernon Birch twin at 202 Washington St Ash at327 High St Beech at Foss One Another beech at Foss One Dead birch at 170 Long Lane Hemlock at … Read more
Updates about the Trees on Campus at Wesleyan University
Dying hemlock at “M” building in CFA Apple tree at 125 Mt Vernon Birch twin at 202 Washington St Ash at327 High St Beech at Foss One Another beech at Foss One Dead birch at 170 Long Lane Hemlock at … Read more
Dead Beech At Foss One
318 Dead pine Dead pine at 318 front Dying Maple behind 284 High St Dead hemlocks behind 125 Mt Vernon Dead maple at Park Washington apartments parking lot Dying maple at 240 Washington St Dying hemlocks at 230 washington St
FOSS 1 FOSS 1 9 Woodman 74 Mt Vernon 146 Mt Vernon Film Studies Dance Studios/CFA Malcolm X Dance Studios Magnolia in T Lot Dance Studios CFA green “C” lot on Church St Vine Street Rear Tennis Courts 200 Church Street 79 Lawn Ave 356 Washington St 344 Washington St 316-324 Washington St … Read more
The following trees are dangerous to the safety of the Wesleyan community, and need to be removed.
The trees pictured here are in serious decline, and must be removed before the summer students arrive, for maximum safety.
Remove trees to make access for fire trucks.
The elm at Downey House has Dutch Elm disease, and must be removed immediately. To remove it requires a crane, so the deformed maple that hangs over 284 High St roof will be removed at the same time.
The tree between the houses has outgrown the space, and will be removed this summer.